Wednesday, February 26, 2014

WIAW: 90% Paleo

im just gonna say this. the past 2 days haven't been completely whole 30. and im sure you are all giggling since you know i cant successfully do a whole 30 anymore. but i knew going into this i probably wouldnt. my whole goal is just to start eating clean!

but i havent "cheated" super bad, its just not paleo. like yesterday i had a larabar with peanuts in it. if i cant have any dang sweets, atleast let me have my yummy cookie flavored larabars!! and ive had cheese. but i mean, how can i go without cheese??

but im not gonna beat up on myself, im proud. proud that im actually sticking to eating clean even if it isnt paleo. my goal is to be atleast 90% paleo if i can.

so on with the food!

 breakfast: eggs and beef patty covered with salsa, and a banana3

lunch: salsa chicken, left over beef roast, roasted sweet potatoes, cucumbers, boiled egg

snack: larabar (one i can actually eat)

dinner: salsa chicken, romaine lettuce, avacado, cheese, and a tad bit of ranch

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  1. Good for you on not beating yourself up over this challenge. I find that just because some way of eating works for someone 100%, by no means does it mean it'll work for you. Continue listening to your body & you'll succeed <3
