Sunday, April 13, 2014

Train Insane and A Running Update

 happy sunday!

heres a look at my workouts this past week:


monday: week 5 day 3 of c25k training

 tuesday: rest day

wednesday: week 6 day 1 of c25k training

thursday: rest day

friday: week 6 day 2 of c25k training

saturday: rest day

sunday: week 7 day 1 of c25k training

my running this week has been super. lots of little milestones this week. the race is this coming weekend. though i wont be able to run the whole thing, ill be able to run most of it and give it my best.

even on my unmotivated days ive been doing awesome runs. im so proud of myself today. i did not wanna run at allll. ive had a busy week and weekend and was worn out, but i made myself go. and i rocked out 2 miles without stopping. yes they were way slower than i hoped.. but i did it. and that just makes me so happy. it amazes me that my body doesnt give up on me. and im winning the mental aspect of running. im so loving running right now :) hope it continues!

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