Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 2: WIAW

so yesterday was day 2. and well, i had my first mess up. youll see below. i was just having a bad day yesterday and usually i turn to food for comfort. but i was trying my best not to let that occur yesterday. but i promised myself i wouldnt be hard on myself this round. if i mess up on well, im human and im still eating atleast 90% paleo. i mean hello.. YOLO!!

i also didnt work out, cuz well, i just plain didnt feel like it. i do so much better getting up in the mornings to work out. but lately when my alarm goes off, i just turn it off and roll over. i gotta get better with that.

heres a look at what i ate:

eggs, chorizo, and a banana, same ole same ole

leftover paleo chili from the weekend

i stole some almond butter from my boss cuz i was having a sweet craving. it kinda worked.

soo. i had a wendys salad. yes i ate the cheese, but i used a healthier dressing i had at home.

i ran errands after work and i knew the hubby wouldnt be home. and by the time i got home it was 7 and biggest loser was coming on, so i stopped and got a salad on my way home. just a little mess up. nothing cray cray.

tomorrow is always a new start, right?
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  1. I've heard Barney Butter is the bomb, but haven't yet tried it! Are you a fan?

    1. i am a fan! I find it to be better than the MaraNatha brand i buy in my local grocery store. and i didnt eat it with anything, just straight almond butter. mmm :)
